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Form Management

FormAdmin implements to display a menu in the menu list. Clicking on the menu will display an amis form page.


from fastapi_amis_admin.admin import admin
from fastapi_amis_admin.crud import BaseApiOut
from fastapi_amis_admin.models.fields import Field
from pydantic import BaseModel
from starlette.requests import Request

class UserLoginFormAdmin(admin.FormAdmin):
    page_schema = 'UserLoginForm'
    # Configure form information, can be omitted
    form = Form(title='This is a test login form', submitText='Login')

    # Create a form data model
    class schema(BaseModel):
        username: str = Field(... , title='username', min_length=3, max_length=30)
        password: str = Field(... , title='password')

    # Handle form submission data
    async def handle(self, request: Request, data: BaseModel, **kwargs) -> BaseApiOut[Any]:
        if data.username == 'amisadmin' and data.password == 'amisadmin':
            return BaseApiOut(msg='Login successful!' , data={'token': 'xxxxxxx'})
        return BaseApiOut(status=-1, msg='Username or password error!')

What is shown here is just a simple and basic function.

Form object

The class field form can be used to configure basic information about the form, such as: title, form style, submit button, submit API, message prompt, etc. Please refer to: Form form

Form Data Model

The class field schema defines the form data model, which is inherited from pydantic BaseModel, and supports various types of fields, which are automatically parsed into corresponding components on the front-end by amis. The functions that can be accomplished through schema are:

  • Define basic field properties. For example: name, label, data type, basic restrictions
  • Custom field handling or validators. Reference: Validators - pydantic

  • Customize the amis component. You can customize the amis component with amis_form_item.

Handle functions

The class method handle receives the form data submitted by the user, where you can perform all kinds of complex logical processing of the form data.

More Uses

In fact FormAdmin has more complex uses than can be explained in detail here, please refer to the following documents.