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  • Model management base class

Inherit from base class



List of fields that need to be displayed for bulk query.

  • Support SQLModel model field, current model database table field name
  • Support current model fields, and other model fields.
  • Support amis type: TableColumn
  • Support sqlalchemy Label type: can be constructed by LabelField method.
    • For example:'nickname'), LabelField('nickname'),Field(None,title='User nickname'))
  • Default: self.schema_list.__fields__.values()


  • Batch query filter form field list
  • Support amis type: FormItem
  • Support sqlalchemy Label type: can be constructed by LabelField method.
  • Default: self.schema_filter.__fields__.values()


  • Batch query the amount of data per page, the default is: 15


  • A list of fields in the table that support text fuzzy search, the default is: []


  • A list of fields that can be edited in the table, the default is: []


  • A list of fields that support batch editing in the table, the default is: []
  • Batch query the field list of many-to-many associations that need to be linked, the default is: []. That is, the association list fields are not recognized by default.
  • Batch query the many-to-many associated field form list that needs to be linked, which is generated by default based on self.link_model_fields.


  • Whether to enable batch creation, the default is: False



  • Returns the list of fields displayed by the table list.
async def get_list_display(
    request: Request
) -> List[Union[SQLModelListField, TableCRUD.Column]]


  • Returns the list of fields filtered by the table list query.
async def get_list_filter(self, request: Request) -> List[Union[SQLModelListField, FormItem]]


Returns the amis TableColumn object for the table column fields.

async def get_list_column(
    self, request: Request,
    modelfield: ModelField
) -> TableColumn


Returns a list of amis TableColumn objects for table column fields.

async def get_list_columns(self, request: Request) -> List[TableCRUD.Column]


  • Returns the AmisAPI object of the list filter filter form.
async def get_list_filter_api(self, request: Request) -> AmisAPI


  • Returns the amis TableCRUD object of the page.
  • Reference: CRUD CRUD , Table
async def get_list_table(self, request: Request) -> TableCRUD


async def get_form_item(
    self, request: Request,
    modelfield: ModelField,
    action: CrudEnum
) -> Union[FormItem, SchemaNode]


  • Returns the amis FormItem object for the foreign_key field of the page form.
async def get_form_item_on_foreign_key(
    modelfield: ModelField
) -> Union[Service, SchemaNode]
  • Returns a many-to-many associated field form list.
def get_link_model_forms(self) -> List[LinkModelForm]


  • Return to list filter filter form.
async def get_list_filter_form(self, request: Request) -> Form


  • Return to add model data form.
async def get_create_form(self, request: Request, bulk: bool = False) -> Form


  • Return to update model data form.
async def get_update_form(self, request: Request, bulk: bool = False) -> Form


  • Returns the amis Action object for the new model data to execute the action.
  • Reference: Action Action Button
async def get_create_action(self, request: Request, bulk: bool = False) -> Optional[Action]


  • Returns the amis Action object that updates the model data to perform the action.
  • Reference: Action Action Button
async def get_update_action(self, request: Request, bulk: bool = False) -> Optional[Action]


  • Returns the amis Action object that deletes the model data to perform the action.
  • Reference: Action Action Button
async def get_delete_action(self, request: Request, bulk: bool = False) -> Optional[Action]


  • Return to the top toolbar of the list table to perform the action list.
async def get_actions_on_header_toolbar(self, request: Request) -> List[Action]


  • Return list table data single item operation to perform action list.
async def get_actions_on_item(self, request: Request) -> List[Action]


  • Return list table data batch operation to perform action list.
async def get_actions_on_bulk(self, request: Request) -> List[Action]


  • Model management

Inherit from base class



Whether to bind the model management page to the model, default: True

  • If set to True, it can be obtained through AdminSite.get_model_admin.

  • In models with foreign key associations, the default FormItem (TablePicker) will use the first management page corresponding to the bound model.

ModelAdmin data control core field/method diagram

  • A: always affects the final value.

  • O?: Numerical? indicates priority.

    • The construction scheme with the lowest numerical value is preferred as the final value.
    • Self overridden by overload will be directly adopted as the final value.
graph LR subgraph Read model--O1-->schema_read-->route_read:Response(ReadApiResponse) subgraph Selector model.->fields pk_name--A-->fields exclude--A-->fields end end subgraph Create schema_create-->get_create_form-->create_form(AmisCreateForm) create_fields--O1-->schema_create-->route_create-->create_api_body(CreateApiRequest) end subgraph Update schema_update-->get_update_form-->update_form(AmisUpdateForm) update_fields--O1-->schema_update-->route_update-->update_api_body(UpdateApiRequest) readonly_fields--A-->schema_update end subgraph List fields-->_select_entities-->get_select fields-->schema_list-->list_api_response(ListApiResponse) list_display-->get_list_display-->get_list_columns-->list_columns(AmisListColumns) subgraph route_list get_select calc_filter_clause schema_list schema_filter end list_display--A-->fields--O2-->list_filter-->_filter_entities-->calc_filter_clause list_display--O1-->list_filter-->schema_filter-->route_list_body(ListApiRequest) subgraph Filter search_fields--A-->list_filter-->get_list_filter-->get_list_filter_form-->list_filter_form(AmisListFilterForm) end end